Ethical Management

Purpose of Ethical Management

Whanin is making greater efforts in leading responsible management, righteous management and specialized R&D,
and realizing its management philosophy of “achieving growth and development to contribute to the creation of a healthier society”,
by obeying CP regulations and adopting corruption prevention management system.

  • Company Vision

    Manufacturing excellent drugs
    Preventing and
    providing cure for illness

  • Ethical Management

    Abidance to CP
    Corruption prevention
    management system

  • Trust Management

    Healthy organizational culture
    Transparent disclosure of information

  • R&D

    Specialized research
    systematic development


Mission of Pharmaceutical Company We recognize the mission of pharmaceutical company, and will devote our utmost efforts to develop drugs with outstanding efficacy and safety through active investment in research and development.
  • Whanin shall pay full attention to the stable manufacturing and supply of drugs required for national health, and establish drug manufacturing system meeting global standards to do so.
  • Whanin shall conduct systematic and specialized R&D to develop and incrementally modify for prevention and treatment of illness.


Attitude in Serving Clients We seek to gain trust from clients, and ultimately develop in company with clients.
  • Whanin shall respect diverse opinions of clients and shall actively reflect them in business activities of the company.
  • Whanin shall ensure safe protection of client property and information in accordance with relevant laws and company regulations.


Responsibility for Stakeholders We seek to secure stakeholder faith through reliable and effective management based on transparency and accountability, and realize maximization of shareholder value through continued competitive advantage.
  • Whanin shall maximize corporate value with effective management through endless innovation, and share the output with the shareholders.
  • Whanin shall file business performance data in a manner that conforms to relevant laws and standards, and shall disclose business information in a transparent manner to protect stakeholder interest and their reasonable demand.


Roles in the Society We seek mutual growth with the society through creation of social values, and devote the utmost effort to carry out business in accordance with social norms.
  • Whanin shall eliminate all unfair trade to establish fair trade and transparent distribution order as asked by the society, and maintain · develop cooperative relationship with health care experts based on high sense of ethics and transparency.
  • Employees of Whanin shall comply with relevant company regulations to act in an ethical and morally appropriate manner, and shall not accept any means of bribe such as money, goods, regalement and other convenience from stakeholders.

Nowadays, ethical corporate management is the most crucial
in becoming a sustainable company trusted by the public.

Ethical management refers to the management of business which upholds ‘business ethics’ as top priority in business administration and enterprise activity, adopting all standards based on ethical judgment and model of behavior to allow transparent and fair-minded management.

Legal, ethical and social responsibility of corporations are recently gaining significance, and thus ‘ethical management’ is emerging as a crucial business principle to prevent these risks in advance and enable sustainable management of corporations.

On recognizing the importance of ethical management, we have acquired the certification of the Anti-bribery Management System 'ISO37001'. We are also consistently striving to organize our compliance program more systematically and to spread the anti-corruption platform.

The executives and employees of We will abide by relevant company regulations and continue following the Compliance Program(CP) to become the company trusted by the public, the company which acquits social responsibilities, and the company which places top priority on realization of customer value.

What is Compliance Program(CP)?

Compliance Program refers to the system which enhances law-abiding consciousness and ethics of executives and employees

by requiring them to voluntarilycomply with all laws related to the company’s management activities,

and prevents in advance the risks from violating the law.

Necessities of Adoption of CP

Compliance Program

Enhancement of Domestic
and International

Incentives such
as Reduced Fine



Corporate Loss

8 Core Elements of CP


Implementation of CP Protocols

Adequate standards and protocols shall be established and implemented so that members of the Company can clearly understand and practice obligations under fair trade-related laws and regulations.


Expression of CEO's own volition and willingness to support CP

The CEO publicly declares his/her intention to implement CP and its policy and show willingness to support CP actively.


Appointment of Compliance Manager

Appoint compliance manager and delegate appropriate authority to take control of effective CP operation.


Publication of Compliance Manual

A compliance manual shall be issued under the responsibility of the compliance manager, which shall include relevant fair trade laws and regulations, CP standards and protocols. It shall be published in the form of an electronic document to enable members of the Company to access and utilize easily.


Training of Compliance Program

Regular education and training shall be provided for the CEO, executives and employees in the purchasing and sales departments who may be prone to violation of Fair Trade laws and regulations.


Setting up internal Monitoring System

Monitoring system, by way of auditing, shall be in place to prevent and detect any potential violation of Fair Trade laws and regulations. Monitoring report shall be submitted to the Board for review (at least twice a year).


Employ penalties

Company’s bylaw shall govern penalties for members of the Company including executives for violation of relevant Fair Trade laws and regulations. Any degree of penalties shall fairly correspond to the severity of violation. Members of the Company shall actively report any violation, and respond appropriately as part of pre-emptive action.


Performance evaluation and implementation of Corrective Actions

For effective CP performance, periodical review and evaluation about the CP performance, standards, protocols, etc. shall be carried out and appropriate corrective actions shall be followed accordingly.

CP-related Websites

Fair Trade Commission

Fair Trade Commission
Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency

Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency
Korea Fair Competition Federation

Korea Fair Competition Federation
Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association

Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association